Plans? What plans?
When I left L.A., my plan was to spend two nights in Blythe and use the day in-between to clean and reorganize my van. Then I saw the weather forecast for the day I planned to leave Blythe and saw that it was going to rain for the first time in a couple of months. When I learned to drive in the midwest, I was taught to be careful during the first few minutes of rain because the water would mix with oil accumulated on the road to create a slick surface. When I moved to California, I was taught to be careful during the first rain of the season for the same reason, but bigger -- since it likely hadn't rained for several months, the amount of oil on the road would be much greater. That first rainy season, after I thought it had rained plenty to clean off the roads, I took a freeway on-ramp just a little too fast and started to fishtail. The main part of the road had gotten enough water and wear to clean it off at that point, but the ramp was more lightly traveled and was still slick....