Oh Frabjous Day!

Callooh! Callay! When I woke up yesterday morning, my body was complaining nearly everywhere from being too sedentary recently, due in most part to my not quite knowing what to do with myself when I can't go for walks. (No suggestions being solicited -- I know all the options -- I won't bore either of us by relating my reasons why not this or that.) Back to yesterday morning when I looked out the window and I saw this sky: I looked at weather.com and saw 65 degrees. I thought of my neighbor who, after his life-saving surgery, would walk the block in front of my house a little more each day while he rebuilt his strength. Remembering that inspired me. I didn't know how far I could walk, but I was going for a walk. I was going to enjoy this beautiful morning by being outdoors. I stepped out into the breeze and I took that photo. Aimed at a different part of the sky, I took this one: I walked slowly. Slowly enough that I could avoid the appearance of limping. My...