What are those ominous looking vehicles?
Apparently, it's the Fashion Police! I'm not sure how that can be -- from what I can find on the internet, the show is no longer being made. Here's the photographic evidence from a mall parking lot in the Cincinnati area: I was relieved to see what they actually were -- I was approaching them with caution, wondering whether I'd get unwanted attention from police in riot gear by taking a photo, when I was able to make out the "Fashion Police" label. It was a slow day in Karen's Travel Land. No waterfalls that I could find between Columbus and Cincinnati. There were cloudbursts, thunder and lightning, sun shining here and there in-between. When the sun was out, the temperature was in the 80's, so I wanted to keep my van as cool as possible. Cincinnati has many beautiful old trees that give wonderful shade, but the streets are too narrow to allow parking in any of that lovely shade, at least in the parts of town that I saw. I tried to go to a libra...