So what have I been doing the last few weeks?
That is a very good question. Part of the reason I haven't been blogging lately is that I don't really know the answer to that myself. So I gave myself permission to stop trying to communicate about it for a while. Yesterday two people asked me something to the effect of, "So, what about your blog? What's going on these days?" I'll try to summarize and highlight my time in Arizona in January. First some context: the gathering I was heading to Arizona for was actually two related gatherings. The first one was January 4-8 and for women only. The second one was from January 9-20 and for both men and women. Now for the summary. When I got to Tucson, everything felt cramped and crowded and fast. I got some yummy stuff from a health food store and went back to my room and chowed down. The next day my drive would take me close enough to the event I'd driven halfway across the country to attend that I could show up there if I wanted to. But I still wanted to...